Jeremy Lintner

Can You Still Attend a Top 20 School if You Only Homeschool?

Can You Still Attend a Top 20 School if You Only Homeschool?

Homeschooled students existed before the Covid-19 pandemic. Now that the Covid-19 pandemic has struck, the rate of homeschooling has significantly increased. Many people wonder if you can still attend a top 20 school if you only homeschool. Yes, the answer is yes. Homeschooling is similar to school curriculums in that it refers to education that occurs outside of the public or private school system. It is critical for both students and parents to understand the purpose of homeschooling – it is different from virtual or online learning, and it is…

Youth Unemployment Rate in China Increases With a Record Number of College Graduates

China is paradoxically entangled with an increasing youth unemployment rate and a shortage of workers, all the while producing the highest number of college graduates in its history. China has gone through numerous educational policy developments, especially since Deng Xiaoping opened the countryโ€™s economic door to foreign businesses in 1978. At the core, the policies have been deeply impacted by the countryโ€™s pursuit of rapid economic growth, and more recently, of a global foothold in science and technology. Accordingly, the government has pushed for having a higher percentage of its…

Politicization of U.S. Education โ€” Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Education in the United States, at least for K-12, has been relatively guarded against being used for political rhetoric. Rather, politics has sometimes been used as a tool to stimulate discussions and debates in classrooms. Topics for such activities have been limited to something that everyone can agree on, such as what can be done to keep the vicinity of schools clean or how to help peer students to have a healthier diet. Paula McAvoy, an associate professor of social studies education at North Carolina State University, said in an…

Business Schools Prepare Students To Fight Financial Crimes. Yet, Challenges Remain

The history of financial crimes likely stretches back millenniums starting with humanityโ€™s use of monetary means. As civilizations modernized with laws to prohibit such crimes and to protect citizens, the fight against white-collar crimes has begun. However, to do so, not only knowledge of the law and legal system but also a profound understanding of finance is essential. Responding to a surge of scams, the enlarging underregulated cryptocurrency market, and Russian oligarchsโ€™ continuous attempts to work around the international sanctions over the countryโ€™s invasion of Ukraine, finance faculties at business…

Increasing Marijuana Consumption by College Students โ€” Benefits or Just Side Effects?

The debate on marijuana โ€” anywhere from whether it is a gateway substance to more addictive and stronger drugs such as cocaine or heroin to whether it should be legalized for just medicinal or even recreational use โ€” has always been fierce. With 19 states, two territories (Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands), and the District of Columbia legalized recreational marijuana, the debate and research on its effect on students have been growing in scale and numbers. As colleges are now returning to pre-Covid educational settings and teaching methods, changes…

The Future of Law School Admissions Without LSAT โ€” or Any Standardized Tests โ€” is in Sight

On April 25, 2022, the Strategic Review Committee of the American Bar Association (ABA) released a memorandum recommending law schools stop requiring standardized tests, such as the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) or the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), for their admissions. Ever since its first administration in 1948, the LSAT has continuously exerted exceptional influence on many aspects of law schools. Unlike college admissions, standardized test scores (i.e., LSAT) have been the single most dominant factor for applicants to care for in their application process, followed closely by undergraduate GPA….

Nation Divided Over Bidenโ€™s Potential Student Loan Forgiveness Policy

President Joe Biden is considering to release millions of students from their federal loan responsibility. However, the idea is not supported by all but rather objected to by some Americans as they perceive it as unfair. Will Bach, an Ohio-based financial advisor, is one of the objectors. He said, โ€œWhile some may view this debt forgiveness as a slap in the face to people who were responsible and paid off their student loans, this is a bigger slap in the face to those Americans who never went to college.โ€ Indeed,…

College Rankings Are Delusive โ€” Should We Stop Giving Them So Much Credit?

It is that time of the year when high school students nervously check their email inboxes hoping they have been accepted to their reach schools. At the same time, college rankings, which many have relied on to make their list of college applications, have come under fire once more. Recently, Michael Thaddeus, a math professor at Columbia University, has openly questioned the accuracy of the data submitted by the college to U.S. News. The accusation has drawn special attention, for the school was ranked as the second-best university in the…

Get to Know Your Australian Universities โ€” By State

Australian universities are one of the most popular destinations for international students. While its close proximity attracts many students from Asia, its reputable academic programs also attract students worldwide. Just like how the west coast and the east coast of the U.S. differ in atmosphere and culture, each region in Australia has its own specialties. Here you will be able to find quick facts about each region and renowned universities in the area. New South Wales New South Wales is where Sydney is located, and that alone speaks volumes for…

U.S. Colleges Are Retracting Surveillance Testing for Covid

Recently, higher education institutions across the U.S. have eased Covid testing requirements for the vaccinated population on campus. Such decisions show the trend in the education sector to move away from the previously widespread surveillance testing policies at colleges and universities. While the move may mean less inconvenience to students and faculties, it can also lead to losing reliable sources of transmission data for public health experts. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, surveillance Covid testing is mostly conducted to โ€œgain information at a population level, rather than…