
More Colleges Are Becoming LGBTQ-friendly, Accepting the LGBTQ Community

Title IX, the most well-known law enacted by President Richard Nixon on June 23rd, 1972, for gender equity in athletics and preventing sexual harassment on campuses, is now celebrating its 50th anniversary – applying to athletics, employments, discrimination, admission, classroom, sexual assault, and violence on campuses. According to the Trevor Project, 45 percent of LGBTQ youth have seriously considered suicide by 2021, with 14 percent having attempted suicide. Along with suicidal thoughts and attempts, 73% of LGBTQ youth reported anxiety, and 58% reported depression. 73 percent of LGBTQ youths have…

Politicization of U.S. Education โ€” Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Education in the United States, at least for K-12, has been relatively guarded against being used for political rhetoric. Rather, politics has sometimes been used as a tool to stimulate discussions and debates in classrooms. Topics for such activities have been limited to something that everyone can agree on, such as what can be done to keep the vicinity of schools clean or how to help peer students to have a healthier diet. Paula McAvoy, an associate professor of social studies education at North Carolina State University, said in an…

Why Has Asian American Gun Ownership Increased Since COVID-19?

Following the release of Covid-19 in China, people began to express their rage toward all Asian Americans living in the United States, displaying discrimination in both physical and verbal abuse, as in the case of six Asian women who were victims of Asian Hate crime in Atlanta. According to NBC News, anti-Asian hate crime increased by 339 percent in 2021 compared to 2020, with approximately 10,380 reports of hate incidents from March 2020 to September 2021, primarily in city areas such as New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, and…

Japanese Version of China Initiative Raises Questions for Universities

Earlier last month, Japanโ€™s parliament passed an economic security bill to increase government oversight of science and technologies. Of the four broad areas the law is set to cover, securing and protecting research data and patents on advanced technologies is one of them. The Japanese government primarily introduced the law following its closest ally โ€” the United States โ€” to decouple technologically with China for security purposes. With the physical realization of Russiaโ€™s increasing aggression on the world stage through its invasion of Ukraine, the parliament had another great cause…

Important Information That Few Parents or College Applicants Were Aware Of

High school students are frequently concerned about their current level of college preparation and struggle to find outside assistance. College students have also gone through the process of beginning the next chapter of their lives, having experienced both failure and success, prior to high school students applying for colleges and sharing their own experiences of either how they got into college or must-know daily hacks at college. According to USA Today, Sydni Smith, a Pennsylvania graduate from East Stroudsburg South High School, has shared special and outstanding advice after receiving…

Students Are Now Subjected to Sexual Assault in Schools, in Addition to Shootings

K-12 Education is in danger of collapsing, resulting in a slew of tragic and revolting events. Not only have shootings occurred, but sexual assault has also occurred in schools, making parents fearful. Schools are supposed to teach, but it is becoming increasingly dangerous for parents to rely on them. Kevin McLean, a 30-year-old school administrator who works as both a teacher and a coach at Dripping Springs Middle School, has been accused of having an inappropriate relationship with multiple students aged 12 to 14 โ€“ and this was discovered when…

Teachers Are Burned Out and on the Verge of Leaving the Classroom

The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting not only parents and students, but also educators at school, causing them to become burned out, resulting in a significant increase in teachers leaving and retiring from the education field. According to Roseangela Mendoza, a middle school social studies teacher at Ethical Community Charter School in New Jersey, who spoke to The 74, teachers are now at a burnout stage due to parents asking teachers what to do with their children and asking them to put in extra time and work to finish work โ€“…

Business Schools Prepare Students To Fight Financial Crimes. Yet, Challenges Remain

The history of financial crimes likely stretches back millenniums starting with humanityโ€™s use of monetary means. As civilizations modernized with laws to prohibit such crimes and to protect citizens, the fight against white-collar crimes has begun. However, to do so, not only knowledge of the law and legal system but also a profound understanding of finance is essential. Responding to a surge of scams, the enlarging underregulated cryptocurrency market, and Russian oligarchsโ€™ continuous attempts to work around the international sanctions over the countryโ€™s invasion of Ukraine, finance faculties at business…

How Are Schools Responding to Gun Violence?

Following the heartbreaking shooting incident in Ulvade, Texas, CBS News conducted a poll among parents about gun violence in schools. According to the poll, 35% of parents were very concerned about gun violence at their children’s school, 37% were somewhat concerned, and 28% were not very concerned or not at all concerned. As previously stated, parents of school-age children are concerned about gun violence at school. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 43 school shootings with fatalities and 50 shootings with injuries occurred in 2020-2021, for a…

Increased Financial Crime Risks to Businesses From All Sides at an Unprecedented Time

With humanity experiencing one of the deadliest pandemics in the modern era, industries have adapted to the change with accelerated digital transformation and remote work, keeping a physical distance from each other. Unfortunately, criminals have also morphed their tactics and schemes to take illegal advantage of peopleโ€™s good faith and financial interest. Ranging anywhere from financial scams and frauds to government imposters and cybercrime, not only individuals but also businesses have been targets of criminals. Especially for businesses, there are other financial crime risks other than financial scams, including but…