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Internship Opportunity for International Students in Seoul (Apply Before May 9, 2022)


Recruitment for The 30th International Student Global Internship


Seoul Metropolitan Government is recruiting international students, who are currently enrolled in a university or graduate school in Seoul, for internship programs. By providing the opportunity, it aims to help expand international students’ understanding of Korean society through an internship at public and private entities, as well as to support the participants’ career advancement.


International Student Global Internship Overview

  1. Internship Period: July 4 - August 19, 2022
  2. Recruitment Number (Expected): 14 people
    - Public sector (11 departments at the city hall, corporations, foundation, etc.): 12 people
    - Private sector (2 private entities): 2 people
    * Actual assignment numbers can be changed depending on the selection result or other relevant factors.
  3. Work hours: 5 days/week, 6 hrs/day (09:00 - 16 00, 1 hr lunch break included)
    * Work hours can be changed depending on the circumstance of an assigned organization.
  4. Work Details: Overseas marketing, interpretation and translation, international business support, etc.


Recruitment Details

1. Qualification
*Applicants should meet the following requirements


Necessary Documents


1. Current enrollment at a university in Seoul (Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Ph.D. program), having successfully finished four or more semesters at the institution
(Two or more successfully finished semesters for Master’s and Ph.D. students)
*Ongoing semester does not count towards the number of finished semesters
2. Must have D-2 Visa, valid through August 21, 2022
3. Must be at TOPIK level 4 or higher (Must be within its validity period of 2 years)
4. Eligible to receive a part-time work permit
(Must submit a part-time work permit (which can be received from the Immigration Office) before the work start date


High computer literacy, language proficiency certificate, etc.

2. Selection Process


Review Categories

Document Review

Match with the Organization’s needs (Undergraduate major or language) Korean language ability (test score) Academic performance, etc.
(Score for each category → Top applicants will be recommended to the participating organizations)


Work attitude (motivation for applying), communication skills, the potential for advancement, etc.

3. Benefits
- Internship allowance (54,960 won/day, lunch fee of 5,000 won, and statutory-leisure pay for a fully worked week)
- Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance (mandatory sign-up in the city of Seoul)
- Internship certificate signed and issued by the mayor of Seoul (for those who worked 80 percent or more of the entire internship period)


How to Apply

  1. Application Period: Friday, April 29 – Monday, May 9, 2022 (for 11 days)
    *Applications must be submitted by 18:00 on May 9
  1. How to Submit: Apply online through Google Forms
    - URL:
  1. Required Documents
    - Candidates who passed the initial document review process, and those candidates only, must submit the required documents.
    - The offer will be revoked if an accepted candidate fails to submit the required documents, or if there are significant discrepancies between the information provided in the application and that of the submitted documents.

Documents for Submission


1. A copy of the Alien Registration Card (must be valid through August 21, 2022)
2. Proof of enrollment (must be issued within a month)
3. Transcript (must be issued within a month)
4. A copy of the TOPIK score report (within the validity period)


Computer literacy certificate, language proficiency test score (for other than Korean), etc.

*Submission method and deadline will be notified to the candidates who pass the document review.


Selection Process

  1. Document review
    - Selection Criteria: Match with the Organization’s needs (language, etc.), TOPIK score, academic achievement, etc.
    - Result Announcement: May 23, 2022, Interview schedule will be set for successful applicants
    *Every applicant will be individually notified of the result (via text message)
  2. Interview
    - Selection Criteria: Match with the needs and the understanding of the Organization’s works Understanding, communication skills, etc.
    - Selection Method: Individual interview (via off- or online)
    *Interview Schedule (expected): Between May 24 – May 31, 2022 (Detailed schedule will be notified individually)
  1. Final Selection Announcement: The second week of June (expected)
    - Every applicant will be individually notified of the result (via text message)
    *If there is no qualified candidate, organizations may forgo selection.
  1. Point of Contact: Chief Officer Choi Ok-lim (Call number: 02-2133-5068)


List of Recruiting Organizations (Total of 11 entities)

Attachment: The 30th International Students Global Internship


Original Announcement in Korean: Seoul Global Center

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